Cut emissions

We want to reduce our life cycle greenhouse emissions by one-third by 2034.

Waste to landfill

No stone wool waste from our factories is sent to landfill

Renewable energy

More than 50% of our electricity comes from renewable resources

A net zero emission future

In 2020, the ROCKWOOL Group joined the ambitious Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and pledged to reduce our lifecycle greenhouse emissions by one third by 2034.

This means reducing manufacturing emissions by 38% and another 20% percent in non-factory related emissions (upstream and downstream).

These targets are a vital step towards decarbonisation and achieving net zero emissions in our society by 2050.

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Our investment in innovation

The reduction of our operational emissions in our factories is a key focus for technology innovation.

In ROCKWOOL we’ve pioneered large scale electric melter technology in countries where the electricity impact from the grid is low and we’ve invested in fuel flexible melting technology, which helps us transition toward less carbon intensive fuels.

In 2021, our biggest manufacturing facility in Poland moved to natural gas, and we are very excited about it.

industrial, manufacturing, engineering, technology, factory

Environmental and Quality Management

We’re always improving our production by using leading environmental and quality management systems that are certified by 3rd parties that follow the ISO 14001 “Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use” and ISO 9001 “Quality management systems — Requirements.


Find our ISO 14001 certifications
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